Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The Beauty of Brilliance: IP from the UK

Inventions, the truly useful, clever and elegant types most especially, are inspiring to look at and even more so when you are able to learn about the background of the concept. The BBC has put forward a wonderful narrated slideshow providing background into some of the most innovative marketed ideas from Great Britain in the past 10 years.


The slide show is interesting on many fronts. First, it is a visually compelling view of some well known British innovation--you'll recognize Dyson's new fan concept or Yoomi, the self warming baby bottle or the Gocyle. In addition the presentation provides the context of how the inventions came to be. The inventors themselves provide a bit of advice as well.

This is good knowledge sharing-- visually stimulating, intersting, contextual. I recommend watching it for enjoyment, for a bit of learning about IP and as another way to transfer knowledge in our organizations.

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