When I first started this blog, I thought this would be a way for me to share nearly real time my learning and insights from the KM work I was doing. Never, of course, revealing any client information, names, data but rather talking about the challenges and opportunities that are faced by everyone.
I did not think I'd be experiencing these things within my own organization.
As some of you know, my own group is growing quickly. I have added a few people and may add more in the near future. Everyone is busy and though we have great office space at this point, we also work virtually much of the time.
It is now my responsibility to share with my team, keep them up to date, ensure they have all the knowledge they need, teach and mentor, communicate, collaborate, celebrate their successes...and to do that virtually.
This is not unlike my Fortune 100 clients who are working hard to learn how to be a truly international company. We, as humans, do well to look each other in the eye and talk. We can work virtually well, when we have some of the trust I discussed in yesterday's blog. But that takes time and effort to build.
The crucial components I believe in sharing knowledge virtually is to be persistent, consistent and transparent. You need to continue to communicate, work towards collaboration, get people motivated to do it themselves and not lose patience -- new behaviors around communicating and sharing virtually take time. It will not happen in a week, a month...it will happen when it is repeated, rewarded, recognized-- new behaviors take practice.
I am grateful to get the opportunity to learn these things again, leading such a dynamic team. I'll continue to share those learnings. With patience, consistence and persistence! And a great amount of respect for what we all do to work in the ways our new world requires us to do. These are exciting times!
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