Monday, March 12, 2007

A History Teacher's View of KM

Meeting Dottie, the technology futurist I mentioned earlier, has heightened my curiosity about how schools are using technology to help kids learn to manage knowledge. In my wanderings I found the following

Well worth the read my friends. Discussions of wikis, social networking and the like are intertwined with thoughts about what kids are really learning, and why. We, as future employers of these young students, need to know how their minds work and their approach to learning, to sharing and to the world.

Some of my clients express fear of the future, fear of not knowing how to work with this young population. I imagine that to be a normal reaction, one each generation has had. Even as students are now gaining experience with technologies we only dreamed of, we can use that same technology to help us get to know them. Start with this blog. I think you'll be quite impressed.

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